Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy 100th Day of School

     It's true, the snow days messed us up a little.  So we actually celebrated the 100th day of school on the 105th day which was 5 more days of fun and then we conflict with Valentine's Day.  Each of the kids brought 100 pieces of something to eat.  We mixed all of the treats together and figured out how many we had (2,000).  We chose how many categories we wanted to sort and classify the treats into.        We wrote what we would do if someone gave us $100 dollars. Then we oldified a picture so we could see what we are going to look like when we are one hundreds years old. Yikes!  We did 100 exercises and measured 100 feet.  We wrote about how we are going to act when we are that age.               Some of the kids dressed up like old people.  Our last project was to figure out an activity we could do with 100 pieces of paper.  The kids were divided in to two teams.  Each team was given 100 pieces of paper which created the greatest indoor snowball fight ever.  We have such clever kids who now understand how much 100 is a lot better.

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