Monday, September 26, 2016

Special Visitor Bringing Gifts

Alyssa Smith is Miss Mountain View Teen.  She will compete in the Miss Teen Idaho Pageant in two weeks.  She visited our class today and read us a very funny book.  Then she passed out a book to each of the kids.  She taught us about her crown and how important reading is.  She is a great girl.  It was a lot of fun.

Partners of Tens Games

Students practice the facts of ten is a few different games.  We are having so much fun and getting the facts cemented in the kid's minds.

Monday, September 19, 2016

We The People! Learning about the U.S.Constitution.

September 17th is Constitution Day.  First, we learned that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. It told the King of England that Americans wanted to govern themselves.  Then, we watched School House Rock about the Preamble of the Constitution.  We learned that the Preamble begins with the words We The People. . . which means that every person in America matters. Because Americans can vote, they get to choose who runs our country.  Then, we wrote our own classroom Constitution.  We discussed what we felt were the most important rules we should follow in our classroom.  Each child signed the document. Last, we made a poster that says We The People. . . with little people showing how important every American is.

.Our Constitution said:  We the children of Miss Melanie's second grade class in order to form a more perfect classroom believe that our higher law should be treat others with kindness the way you want to be treated.  We, the undersigned support this law!