Monday, April 27, 2015

Practicing for the I.R.I.

The kids had a blast reading one minute timings with another child who played the part of the proctor.  Their goal was to read 92 words in one minute.  First, they would do a cold read and then a hot read.  Then, they would trade jobs.  It really helped the kids become faster more efficient readers.  Last, they filled out a reading chart to track their progress.


  1. This is so sweet! Many thanks Miss Melanie for all your love and dedication to educating and caring for our children. Dominic had a rough start last year and bounced between four schools before we found a perfect fit in your classroom. I've seen him grow leaps and bounds in many, many ways. Thank you soooo much for your efforts, they're very appreciated and helped us as a family catch our breaths. Many, many thanks!

  2. This is so sweet! Many thanks Miss Melanie for all your love and dedication to educating and caring for our children. Dominic had a rough start last year and bounced between four schools before we found a perfect fit in your classroom. I've seen him grow leaps and bounds in many, many ways. Thank you soooo much for your efforts, they're very appreciated and helped us as a family catch our breaths. Many, many thanks!
