Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Visit from Nicky the Gnome!

At Christmas time Mrs. Santa brought a little guy to our classroom to ask the kids to teach him some manners.  His name is Nicky and he is a Gnome and he is pretty naughty.  Mrs. Santa thought if he could spend some time with good kids who make good choices maybe he would do the same.  Each of the kids had the opportunity to take him for the night.  The kids recorded their adventures in Nicky's Journal.  From what the kids wrote, it seems that Nicky made some pretty bad choices.  I want to thank the parents for their patience with Nicky and their support with this writing project. After their adventure, Nicky gave each of the kids a finger puppet to remember him by.  Fortunately, the Leprechauns agreed to drop him off in Norway on their way back to Ireland.  He was fun but he was a little stinker.

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