Saturday, October 1, 2016

YeHaw - Super Fun Farmer Day

We have been learning about farms all month.  We learned about different animals that live on farms. We learned about how much work it is to live on a farm and how you get really dirty sometimes.  To complete our unit we had Dress Like a Farmer Day. It was so much fun.  The kids milked a cow (plastic glove) and they sheered a sheep (balloons) they turned into chickens and picked up corn nuts with their beaks (tweezers).  They shook bottles of heavy cream and made butter.  They practiced writing their numbers in mud they put on pigs for sunscreen.  Miss Melanie's husband Mr. Kevin helped us and Ms. Kayla and two really awesome parents too.  Then we went on a potato hunt. Dress Like a Farmer Day was a lot of really fun learning.  We had a blast!


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