Thursday, February 5, 2015

100 Days Of School

It is amazing that we have already been in second grade for 100 days.  I think that is an awesome reason to celebrate, so we did!  Some of the kids dressed up like 100 year old people.  They were adorable.

Most of the kids brought 100 snack items to share.  We combined them all together, stirred them up, then each child got to take a cup full of snack.  They estimated how much they had, then they sorted, classified and counted their items. Then got to eat some and take the rest home.  They were thrilled when their estimation was close to the actual number.

One huge highlight of our Hundred Day Celebration was the finale.  Take 23 kids, split them into two teams.  Give them 100 pieces of paper per team.  Have them work together.  Give each team a barricade.  Encourage them to make snowballs and shazam!  See what fun happens!

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