Monday, February 19, 2018

Big Buddies and Love Bugs

Our 5th grade Big Buddies helped us make a Love Bug.  We learned a lot about bugs.  Did you know must insects have an exoskeleton?

Wowzers! Valentine's Day was a Heart-Warming Experience!

We cut out tons of hearts and snuck around the school and heart-attacked people.  We covered their offices with hearts.  We were so quiet and sneaky! It was super fun.

We Heart Attacked Ms. Ann 
We Heart Attacked Mrs. Klitguard, Mrs. Mecham and Ms. Irick 
We Heart Attacked Principal Thomson 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Learning About Shapes

One of the Common Core Standards the kids need to know are 2D and 3D shapes.  We learned about cylinders, spheres, rectangular prisms, cubes, pyramids and triangular prisms.  When the kids knew and could identify all of the different shapes we played "Eat Our Math".  Miss Melanie found a candy that represented each of the 3D shapes.  The kids could only eat one at school and were suppose to bring the rest home to show their parents that they could identify the shapes.  It was a fun way to test their knowledge.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Amazing Animal Reports!

The kids all did a remarkable job on their Animal Reports.  Thank you parents for you wonderful support.  It was fun to learn so much great information.