Friday, January 13, 2017

Dress Like a Pirate Day!

We are learning about r-controlled vowels.  We noticed that when the letter "r" follows a vowel the  "r" becomes very bossy and you can't hear the vowel.  They are kind of like pirates.  Pirates are bossy too. When you read a word with a bossy "r" you can't even hear the vowel.  First, we played a game called Golden Vowels.  The girls started out as the vowels and the boys the Pirates.  Miss Melanie announced a word like "star"., The girls chose the appropriate vowel and then would hide somewhere in the room.  The Pirates would them search for them and when they found them each vowel girl and bossy "r" boy would write down the word.  Then the kids switched places.  They wrote about ten words.
Next, we did a Math game.  We counted Pirate "booty" money and wrote down how much was in each bag.  We are getting good at counting and adding quarters.
Last, we split into two teams and went on a treasure hunt through the school.  Ms. Howell (our student teacher) took one group and Miss Melanie took the other.  We searched the whole school and found the treasures right in our classroom.  We found out we can do almost anything if we work together.  It was a great day with a lot of great learning.

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