Saturday, April 16, 2016

Class Store

One of our goals in Second Grade is to learn the value of money especially quarters and dollars. Because of that, I set up a 'token economy'.  The kids get to earn class money to spend at the class store about once per month.  They earn money for bringing back their Cougar Care Packets and doing their homework as well as some of the school work that shows extra effort. It also enables me to be able to charge them for not writing their names on their papers. It is so amazing to watch the kids plan and calculate how they are going to spend their money.  Their little brains work really hard adding and subtracting and figuring out what is most important to buy.  I am super impressed with the kids that purchase something for their whole family.  It is such a great learning experience and they are always so happy on store day.  It is a treat to watch!

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