Sunday, October 11, 2015

Dress Like A Farmer Day

We have been learning about animals and crops found on farms and what it would be like to live on a farm.  We learned that farms are very important to our lives and that most of the food we eat comes from farms.  At the end of our unit we had Dress Like a Farmer Day.  We pretended to do chores you would find farmers doing like milking a cow, sheering sheep, making butter and feeding the chickens.  We also went on a potato hunt and learned that Idaho is famous for our potatoes farms. We learned that horses live on ranches and cowboys take care of them.  We loved making butter and eating it. We learned that it is a lot of work to live on a farm and we are very grateful for farmers.


  1. Gabriel had so much fun! He knew exactly what he wanted to wear and was so excited to have his own potato! I think it is great that Mr. Winward came in and played his guitar for them. That is awesome!

  2. Sierra had a blast, too! Thanks so much for all you do for our munchkins and taking the time to share their learning experiences with us. :)
