Sunday, September 27, 2015

Constitution Day

We learned that our school is named after Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and is why we celebrate the Fourth of July.  We also learned about the American Constitution. We learned that it is a remarkable document and that it is the longest lasting legal document in any country's history in the world.  We learned that it was written by our forefathers and is still how Americans live today. We learned that its most important words are We The People and that everyone in America is important and that every voice matters.  We wrote our own Classroom Constitution because everyone in our class is important and every voice matters..  We all agreed that it should say "We The Children Of Miss Melanie's Class will live by the Golden Rule which is Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated.  We used an actual feather pen, like the signers of the Constitution did, to sign our Constitution which is now hanging in our classroom.

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