Monday, March 9, 2015

Awesome Animal Alphabet Reports!

Each of the kids chose an animal beginning with the alphabet letter they were assigned.  They researched that animal and created a visual presentation of their animal and its habitat.  They presented their report to the whole class.  Each class member wrote a spider graph recording the six facts presented.  The child then wrote a complete sentence explaining the fact that they found the most interesting.  These were all combined into an Animal Alphabet Book each child completed. The animals were very interesting and the kids did a great job on their reports.  The books turned out super and were full of interesting information and pictures the kids had drawn of each animal.  It was a lot of work but really great learning!
                                                            Letter A is for Armadillo
Letter B is for Bats
Letter C is for Compost Worm
Letter D is for dolphin
Letter E is for Earth Worm
Letter F is for Frilled-Neck Lizard
Letter G is for Goblin Shark
Letter H is for Hammerhead Shark
Letter I is for Impala
Letter J is for Jackal 
Letter K is for Koala
Letter L is for Lion Fish
Letter M is for Monkey
Letter N is for Numbat
Letter O is for Ocelot
Letter P is for Peacock
Letter Q is for Quail
Letter R is for Rabbit
Letter S is for Snake
Letter T is for Tiger
Letter U is for Umbrella Bird
Letter V is for Vulture
Letter W is for Whales
Letter X is for X-Ray tetra
Letter Y is for Yellow-Handed Titi Monkey
Letter Z is for Zebu
                            Super job kids.  We loved learning about so many interesting animals.

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