Thursday, June 8, 2017

Last Day of School Fun!!!

These kids are such a blast.  On the last day of school, we looked through our scrapbooks.  We were amazed at home many awesome things we have learned this year.  Next, we cleaned our desks with shaving cream.  Then, we had an awards ceremony and everyone got a special award.  Last, Mr. Mustache joined us to watch the Talent Show.  Mr. Mustache and I are going to miss these kids so much.  I have truly loved this year and adore all of my kids.  They are going to be amazing third graders.

Butterflies Are Beautiful And Congruent

We have learned about the Line of Symmetry in the past and we know what congruent means.  So, it was so much fun to make a butterfly by putting paint on only one side of the wing, folding it over and painting the other side and then seeing how beautiful they turned out.